4 – 5 March 2016

龍全木器 Mr Lung’s Wood Workshop; 青春工藝 chingchun warehouse
Dates: 4 – 5 March 2016
Time: 11:00am — 11:00pm
Venue: Zurich University of the Arts, Toni-Areal
(4 March, 11:00am – 4:00pm) Kunstraum, 5.K12
(4 March, 6:00pm – 10:30pm) Kino, 3.G02
(5 March, 4:00pm – 6:00pm) Gallery 1 & 2, 4.K13
With the aim to enforce the role of artists and art strategies in civic empowerment and transformation processes, the conference brings together artists, community and peace building workers, scholars and (art) students.
The conference provides a platform to share experience, ideas, and knowledge on using art strategies as key factors in their civic empowerment and transformation projects. It will take in the form of workshops, presentations, discussions, films, and food art.
The artist’s role and artistic strategies are reflected in relation to the social, cultural and individual transformational objectives and from practical and theoretical points of view. Key to the conference are the issues and questions that come up in these projects. They will be put forward in presentations and discussion workshops, and synthesized in plenary sessions.
For more information, see Conference Booklet.
by Majid Abbasi (Iran), Olga Alvarez Lenskaya (Costa Rica/Switzerland), Angela Anderson (Germany/USA) & Angela Melitopoulos (Germany/Denmark), Veli & Amos (Bosnia and Herzegovina/Switzerland), Sandra Bühler (Switzerland/ Germany), Benny Chan (China), Javier Dragustinovis (Mexico), Kristin Flade (Germany), Ipek Füsun (Hungary/Switzerland), Ginggi Syarief Hasyim & Ismal Muntaha (JaF, Indonesia), Julius Heinicke (Germany), Jánosh Miháli Hübler (Hungary/Switzerland), Laura Leuzzi & Lisa Pedicino (Switzerland/Great Britain), Ivana Lakic (Switzerland), LEE Chun Fung (Hong Kong), Him Lo (Hong Kong), Maya Minder & Milena Schneider (Switzerland), M.P. Leung (Hong Kong), Him Lo (Hong Kong), Naveen Mahantesh (India), Anna Merliana (Indonesia), Mahroo Movahedi (Switzerland/Iran), Ibra Seck Cassis (Senegal), Lena Maria Thüring (Switzerland), Marilyn Umurungi (Rwanda/Switzerland), Yamu Wang (Switzerland/Taiwan), Daria Zavodskaia (Abkhazia), among others.
Concept and Organisation
Conference concept by FOA-FLUX (Annemarie Bucher and Dominique Lämmli) with Julia Weber and Michaela Ledesma (howtobuildup.org).
Conference organisation by Dominique Lämmli with Julia Weber, Mahroo Movahedi, Marilyn Umurungi, Olga Alvarez Lenskaya, Sarah Eschenmoser.
Supported by
ZHdK bodies: Connecting Spaces Hong Kong—Zurich, MA Transdisciplinary Studies, MA Fine Arts, Dossier Internationales, International Affaires, International Office, Institute for Contemporary Art, and additional funding.